Invest in What Matters to You

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Imagine what the best possible care looks like. That’s the experience you can help deliver by investing in the new Sands-Constellation Center for Critical Care. Help us reach our ambitious overall target of $300 million for the Because Care Matters Campaign.

Join us & keep the momentum building.


Possibilities become reality when our technology and spaces match our expertise. The impact of your gift matters to our families and future generations in profound ways. With your help, we won’t have to imagine what is possible. We’ll be able to experience it. 

Keep the momentum building by contacting the Foundations Office at 585.922.4800 or give online today. 

The most modern care environment will allow our skilled team of obstetricians, neonatologists, pediatricians and nurse-midwives to deliver highly-specialized care as easily as routine care.

  • 20 private rooms in the Postpartum Suite are designed to ensure a family-centered environment.
  • 14 private rooms in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit will provide more space and comfort for families and their newborns with special care needs. 
The Moment a Mother Holds Her Baby for the First Time
The Moment You Only Have to Focus on Healing
The Moment Taking a Step Stops Being Painful

The next step in patient-centered care requires more space, more technology and more opportunities for training and development.

  • 20 state-of-the-art operating rooms that can accommodate a larger care team and more next-generation equipment, such as robotics and non-invasive technology.
  • A Post-Anesthesia Care Unit with 26 private patient bays and a central command center-like space that will allow surgeons, nurses and techs to collaborate more effectively to provide a better patient experience. 

In our new acuity-adaptable rooms, the care team goes to the patient, rather than the patient going to the care. The result is a more comfortable, less stressful and safer experience.

  • 108 private rooms feature patient, family and caregiver zones. 
Invest in the Future That Matters to All of Us
Moments That Matter
The Moment We Change Our Community

Take a virtual tour of the Sands-Constellation Center for Critical Care and find out how your support is transforming healthcare by investing in resources to better serve others. This is where innovation and care merge to impact our community for generations. 

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